Turning forty is not really a happy occasion for many. To be considered "over the hill" is some people's worst nightmare! Therefore, sending someone special a funny 40th birthday poem is just the right thing to do. Not only will it bring a light note into the scenario, but it will also be the perfect way to wish someone a happy 40th birthday in a funny and amusing manner.
Funny 40th birthday poems can be a perfect gift if you choose one that suits the person. Personalize the poem with a little message that can be added at the bottom of the poem. Today there are many funny poems that are available - some are the wall version or the table version ones, which usually come with a recorder that records your personalized message for 10 seconds along with the funny 40 birthday poem. This recorder is attached on the back of the frame and can play almost 500 times over and over again without you having to change the batteries. The best part is that you can re-record it.
The idea of sending your friend or relative funny 40th birthday poems is to make them feel good and happy about their birthday, and not to make them hate the idea of getting old! Most of the time "over the hill" jokes, limericks and poems help to "soften the blow"! By the time the recipient has finished reading your poem or limerick, he/she will be so busy laughing that the thought of leaving the 30s behind and reaching 40 will be farthest from their mind!
It is obvious that 40 is an important landmark in a person's life, and therefore it requires something special and different. Show the person who is celebrating their fortieth birthday that you appreciate them by sending them a gift that is unique, nostalgic as well as humorous. Use poems that are not cruel or sarcastic. Having fun by sending them a funny poem over which they can laugh is one thing, but going overboard and mean is another.
Since you know the person who is going to be turning forty well, it is very easy to decide how far you can go when it comes to sending them a funny poem, or gag. You should be able to gauge whether a poem that starts with "Hey, I hope you can read this or do you need a magnifying glass...." or a gift of "false teeth" would be taken as a joke or not. Hilarious gags and gifts are a dime a dozen and one can never run out of "over the hill" ideas.
Everyone is getting older and even if one does not want to admit it; a fortieth birthday is a great opportunity to send a light and funny poem to your friend or relative to make getting older easier. A funny poem puts a little bit of fun and life into a birthday. You can make your friends laugh while you talk about the dreaded middle age - while referring to an easy chair, the electric blanket, failing eyes and even graying hair!
Help your friend enjoy and appreciate his/her 40th birthday by making sure your wishes are heartfelt, true, sincere and of course - full of humor. Make it a point to lighten the burden of knowing that one has turned 40!
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